Category: Videos

Conversation Series: Distributed, decentralized and digitally-enabled care

Posted September 29, 2021

Shantanu Nundy, MD, MBA, chief medical officer of Accolade, and Richard J. Baron, MD, president and CEO of the American Board of Internal Medicine and the ABIM Foundation, discuss distributed, decentralized and digitally-enabled care after COVID-19.

Read Shantanu Nundy’s blog post: How COVID-19 may be the catalyst we need to accelerate trust in medicine

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Patient Advocate Spotlight: Claire Sachs

Posted September 09, 2021

Claire is a federal policy analyst and patient advocacy blogger whose health history goes back to the early 1980s. Since then, she has managed a raft of serious conditions, both acute and chronic. She has also been a caregiver for both chronically ill and terminally ill family members. A few years ago, she realized that her experience with healthcare could be used to help patients, so she started a blog and started looking for ways to use her skills to make positive changes to the healthcare ecosystem. Claire has a BA in Government from Smith College and an MA in Political Management from George Washington University.

You can reach Claire Sach’s blog here.

Patient Advocate Spotlight: Alma McCormick

Posted September 09, 2021

Alma McCormick is a member of the Crow Nation and the Executive Director of Messengers for Health, a Crow Indian 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization located on the Crow reservation in Montana.  Alma is a leader and a community activist for improved health and wellness amongst her people.  Her educational background is in Community Health and she furthered her education receiving a Bachelor’s of Science in Health and Wellness at the Montana State University-Billings. She has been actively involved in cancer awareness outreach and advocacy amongst Native American women in Montana since 1996. She has extensive experience in conducting community-based participatory research projects addressing various health needs of the Crow people while working in partnership with Montana State University-Bozeman. She has traveled nationwide to present at health conferences to share the program’s successes. She has also co-authored numerous peer reviewed journal articles. Alma’s passion for her work in community outreach stems from her personal experience of losing a young twin daughter to neuroblastoma cancer in 1985.

Patient Advocate Spotlight: Janice Tufte

Posted July 07, 2021

Janice Tufte resides in Seattle and is a patient collaborator involved with health systems research, evidence production, clinical practice quality improvement and human readable digital informed knowledge generation. She recently co-authored a paper currently under review with the Journal of Health Design that discusses the importance of collectively designing research and is working with AcademyHealth’s Paradigm Project in developing a new research prototype.  Learn more about Janice at

Patient Advocate Spotlight: Susan Perez

Posted July 07, 2021

Susan Perez’s research focuses on understanding consumers’ decision-making processes in order to develop healthcare policies, information, and resources to promote high value decisions. Dr. Perez has conducted studies that classified approaches to processing Internet health information among vulnerable populations; addressed statewide overuse of healthcare services; identified approaches for patients and providers to discuss the cost of care; developed a statewide campaign to address variation in C-section rates by working with both patients and hospitals; and illuminated consumers’ views of cost sharing, quality and network choice. Prior to joining the faculty at the California State University, Sacramento Department of Public Health, Dr. Perez completed a postdoctoral fellowship in quality, safety, and comparative effectiveness research and earned a doctorate in Nursing Science and Health-Care Leadership program at the University of California, Davis. 

Patient Advocate Spotlight: Gwen Darien

Posted July 07, 2021

Gwen Darien is a longtime patient advocate who has played leadership roles in some of the country’s preeminent nonprofit organizations. As executive vice president for patient advocacy, engagement and education at the National Patient Advocate Foundation and the Patient Advocate Foundation, Gwen leads programs that link PAF’s direct patient services to NPAF initiatives to help ensure access to equitable, affordable, quality health care.

A three-time cancer survivor, Gwen came into cancer advocacy to change the experiences and outcomes for the patients who came after her and to change the public dialogue about cancer and other life-threatening illnesses.

Gwen serves on a wide range of program committees and workshop faculties. She is the Chair of PCORI’s Patient Engagement Advisory Panel and serves on the Board of Trustees of the USP. Gwen also writes about her experiences as an advocate and cancer survivor.

Public Agenda is building trust with patients

Posted June 21, 2021

During July’s Building Trust webinar Public Agenda shared how they crowdsourced ideas to build trust with patients and what they learned from the exercise.

Patients play a vital role in building trust in health care. Public Agenda and the Patient Advocate Foundation also facilitated a series of discussions with patient and consumer advocacy organizations for Building Trust, which yielded five principles patients and consumers believe will build trust and improve the health care system.

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Conversation Series: COVID-19’s impact on trust

Posted June 15, 2021

Dhruv Khullar, MD, MPP, Weill Cornell Medical College, joined Richard Baron, MD, president and CEO of the American Board of Internal Medicine and the ABIM Foundation, for our June 15 Building Trust Conversation Series to discuss COVID’s impact on trust in health care.

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Introducing the Building Trust Initiative

Posted May 21, 2021

Poll shows gaps in public’s trust in health care systems and clinicians—and how COVID affected how physicians gauge trust

The ABIM Foundation officially kicked off Building Trust, a dynamic initiative to improve health care by fueling conversation, research and promising practices that help increase trust between patients, physicians and other stakeholders on May 21, 2021.

New polling data from NORC at the University of Chicago provide a look at the current state of trust in health care in the United States. Declining trust affects nearly every facet of society, and health care is no exception. To improve relationships between heath care stakeholders and bolster clinical outcomes, leaders from all parts of the health care system are coming together to consider how to elevate trust and improve care.

Speakers included:
Panel discussion:

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Vaccine hesitancy impacts on state and local vaccine planning

Posted April 23, 2021

Daniel Wolfson, Executive Vice President, COO, American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation had a conversation on how vaccine hesitancy and deliberation impacts state and local vaccine planning with Lisa Letourneau, Maine DHHS. 

During Part 1 of our April 2021 Learning Network Webinar, Dr. Sandra Quinn from Maryland Center for Health Equity, University of Maryland started our by sharing experiences that she believes might help in enhancing influenza and COVID19 vaccine uptake. WATCH >

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