Tag: Event

Public Agenda is building trust with patients

Posted June 21, 2021

During July’s Building Trust webinar Public Agenda shared how they crowdsourced ideas to build trust with patients and what they learned from the exercise.

Patients play a vital role in building trust in health care. Public Agenda and the Patient Advocate Foundation also facilitated a series of discussions with patient and consumer advocacy organizations for Building Trust, which yielded five principles patients and consumers believe will build trust and improve the health care system.

Previous Webinars:


Introducing the Building Trust Initiative

Posted May 21, 2021

Poll shows gaps in public’s trust in health care systems and clinicians—and how COVID affected how physicians gauge trust

The ABIM Foundation officially kicked off Building Trust, a dynamic initiative to improve health care by fueling conversation, research and promising practices that help increase trust between patients, physicians and other stakeholders on May 21, 2021.

New polling data from NORC at the University of Chicago provide a look at the current state of trust in health care in the United States. Declining trust affects nearly every facet of society, and health care is no exception. To improve relationships between heath care stakeholders and bolster clinical outcomes, leaders from all parts of the health care system are coming together to consider how to elevate trust and improve care.

Speakers included:
Panel discussion:

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